Rhetoric got its start in Ancient Greece and owes its foundations to a few key people. To understand anything, it’s best to start at the very beginning and lay groundwork. You’ve probably heard certain names thrown around in your previous English classes. You may have had to know them, and some places, some dates, or some titles for a test, but nothing too extensive or in depth. You know by now, however, that they are important.
Often times, they’re talked about in conjunction with one another. It’s hard for a lot of people to place who came when and who came before whom, and who was whose teacher….
To remedy that, let's establish some time lines before delving in:
- The Sophists (like Gorgias and Isocrates) came first
- DURING their time, Socrates came, followed by his student Plato. Thus began Platonism.
- Finally, Plato's student, Aristotle, came and developed his own school of thought.
Also, because this information is presented in a blog format, and because the subject matter can be confusing at times, comment with any questions, complaints, opinions...etc...and discuss among yourselves as well.
And so we begin with the Sophists….
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